Wednesday, September 23, 2009

villains run the show

If you haven't seen the new commercial promoting this year's Halloween Time at Disneyland, click on "videos" at the previous link.

My favorite part is Hades lighting the fireworks with his hair.

And then Jafar, with his Mickey balloon, enjoying the show with the rest of his villain friends out on Main Street... He-he!

This new "Halloween Screams Fireworks" show will reportedly include a huge inflatable Jack Skellington over the castle, and his dog Zero flying down from the Matterhorn.

Also new this year is an overlay of Space Mountain, called "Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy". Captain Hook sure seems to be enjoying it!


Megan said...

A huge Jack towering over the castle!! Zero flying down form the Matterhorn!! Why, oh why, aren't we going this october?! Looks absolutely amazing! I would love to see the fireworks show, especially since we got skunked on it last year. We should plan on going next october. Yep, let the fam know and put your ears on! Great post!

Staci said...

thanks for the info zac!! this looks incredible! wish i was there! the worst part is, my friends got to ride space mountain halloween today. (they are cast members.) i need to figure out how to sign on for that gig...

ali.j said...

What a funny commercial! Disney villans is about as Halloweenie as you can get!