Thursday, February 11, 2010

it's a small world

I stumbled across this holiday promotional video on the Disney Parks blog and it tugged on my Disney heart strings. Seriously, I was a little misty in the eyes after watching this little gem. I'm sure it'll touch your Disney soul as it did mine. Enjoy.

Go ahead, watch it again.


ali.j said...

Oh, *sniff sniff* what a great video! It combined all the elements of squeeze-tears-from-your-heart emotions: kids, christmas lights, peace on earth, DISNEYLAND! I think I WILL watch it again...

Zac said...

"...with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." I think we can safely say Walt's hope has been realized.

Staci said...

yep. i'm misty eyed too, meg. thanks for sharing.